De Heus Vietnam commits to 10 year financial support for eye care in Vinh Long province
Dutch animal feed producer De Heus Vietnam has committed to a 10 year sponsorship of eye care projects in Vinh Long province by the Eye Care Foundation. This initiative will be launched at the opening of the Vinh Long II factory of animal feed, April 15th 2016.

With this sponsorship, De Heus demonstrates its gratitude for the opportunities it received from the province and its people. De Heus is determined to improve the eye care and stimulate progress in Vinh Long by sponsoring the Eye Care Foundation.
Eye Care Foundation
Eye Care Foundation, a Dutch NGO, will work closely with Vinh Long Provincial Health Services, Vinh Long COSD and local health providers to tackle eye health issues through medical interventions, education and improved access to eye health care. Projects will be deployed in the whole province of Vinh Long, hereby focussing on the most vulnerable groups of schoolchildren and elderly people in this region.
Eyes on Vinh Long
Approximately 1 million children and 1,5 million elderly in Mekong Delta are blind or suffer from bad eyesight. This while 80% of all blindness and bad eye sight can be prevented or treated with a cataract operation or by supplying proper glasses. When people have access to quality eye care services, their eyesight can often be restored and they are able once again to be part of society. They can help achieve growth for themselves, their family and their community.
Joining forces
Both De Heus and Eye Care Foundation believe in working together with local organizations and by supporting existing structures. In coming months, Eye Care Foundation is starting with a need assessment in Vinh Long with regards to the current state of eye care services